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Male, 58 years, born on 7 January 1967
Considers offers
Aktau, willing to relocate (Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Bautino, Beineu, Saint Petersburg), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Security manager
- Security specialist
Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 35 years 9 months
June 2016 — currently
8 years 10 months
Group of companies Megapolis
FMCG (non-edible)... Show more
Regional specialist of the Department of economic security
checking contractors of the company, both physical and legal; -assessment of candidates for vacant positions of the company; -check of payment discipline, identifying, characterizing or compromising data in regards to the check of the customer; -if necessary, in-depth analysis of the risks associated with counterparties; -organization and conduct official investigations; -participate in the development and monitoring of safety procedures of the company; -participation in training and advising personnel on safety requirements adopted by the company; -conducting of measures on repayment of the receivable; -preparation of official reports; -cooperating with law enforcement authorities within their competence.
February 2014 — July 2015
1 year 6 months
FK Buzachi operating LTD
Oil and Gas... Show more
a leading expert on economic security
1. Conducts research on legal and institutional protection of the company, to protect trade secrets.
2. Organizes the allocation of additional duties among staff to ensure regime security.
3. Conducts an interview with newly accepted employees to identify their loyalty and the laying on of employees additional to the basic duties in the security system of the enterprise.
4. Prepares the duty of non-disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret.
5. Develops methods of personnel actions in the event of a threat of violation of security of the enterprise.
6. Conducts training of staff on security issues.
7. Organize special office to prevent unauthorized receipt of the information under special regime of access.
8. Prevents unjustified admission and access to information and works comprising the commercial secret of the company.
9. If necessary, organizes and provides vnutrishniy access mode and gives in this case authority relevant personnel.
10. Evaluates the necessity of bringing to bear of the object of the security service of the Ministry of interior, commercial security firms on a contractual basis.
11. Directs the organization of the contract work with such structures.
12. Monitors compliance with the requirements of the security regime employees and visitors.
13. Organizes the research of probabilistic situations and misconduct intruders and competitors.
14. Detects and locates unauthorized physical tolerance of unknown persons on the protected territory, if necessary, calls up the police.
15. Organizes and conducts official investigation into the disclosure of information, loss of documents, valuables and other breaches of security.
16. Participates in development of basic documents in order to consolidate these requirements, the security of the company (instructions, regulations, rules).
17. Escorts of valuable resources (money, material, information), as well as critical employees in the event of a threat to their security.
18. Makes proposals on improvement of legal, organizational and technical measures to protect the security of the enterprise.
19. Maintains records and analysis of the violations of the regime.
April 1994 — February 2014
19 years 11 months
National security Committee of Kazakhstan
Government Organizations... Show more
Deputy head of investigation Department
1. Conducted work on prevention of offences in protected public facilities; 2. Interaction with other state bodies, bodies of Prosecutor's office and the court; 3. Preparation of progress reports; 4. Studied criminal situation in protected state objects, keep a record of all calls on the object offense; 4. Created and regularly update an electronic database; 5. Conducted criminal and internal investigation on charges of theft and other offences on protected sites; 6. Undertake activities to ensure their own safety and the protection of information and observance of state secrets. 7. Represented the company's interests in court.
July 1988 — January 1994
5 years 7 months
military service
Government Organizations... Show more
the commander of a company of protection
1. To organize the service by watch groups for protection of the facility;
2. to organize the strengthening of the entrusted entity;
3. to organize cooperation with service companies and other organizations on issues of protection of the object;
4. to organize the maintenance of internal order in the premises of protection;
5. in order to increase personal responsibility, discipline and professional level to conduct educational work among podchinennyh security staff.
1.1 implement and developed procedures and rules, access restrictions, required a rigorous performance of his subordinates, analyzed activities of the facility by crossing regime, identified and sought to address shortcomings arising from the implementation of access control;
1.2 razrabatyvat Carried out the procedure and rules of stay on the territory of the object, of holiday of material assets, demanded their execution by subordinates, had been warned and stopped the attempted theft of inventory from the object;
1.3 develop and supervise knowledge of the duties of subordinates and in case of failure to comply with guidelines and instructions adopted measures of disciplinary and material effects;
1.4 Took measures to maintain the normal moral - psychological situation, identify the causes and conditions entailing complications of the specified situation and take measures on their elimination;
2.1 As the head of the facility knew the territory and premises of the entrusted object. Conducted at least once per month survey in protected areas by revealing the shortcomings of informed guidance;
2.2 analysis of the results of the activities of subordinate staff on performance of access control in order to identify, prevent and combat the causes and conditions that can be used in the theft of inventory;
2.3 Together with the management of the facility was carried out by periodic inspection of premises to identify the preconditions for risk of fire and to take measures on their elimination;
2.4 Developed counter-measures in emergency situations the relevant rescue service and adopt measures to contain emergency situations at the facility;
2.5 Regularly monitor the health marking;
3.1 In the case of abnormal or emergency situations the head of the facility shall notify the management;
4.1 Controlled the availability of office property, to take measures to maintain it in working condition. Demanded from subordinates of careful and attentive attitude;
4.2 Should monitor the maintenance of the internal order and sanitary - hygienic norms in the service areas of protection and require that from subordinates;
5.1 Controlled and analyzed the psychological atmosphere in the groups security and implement the deployment of staff taking into account their psychological compatibility;
5.2 Maintained a high level of personal responsibility of each employee for the execution of his duties;
5.3 Brought to employees issued orders and instructions to take decisions on bringing to material and disciplinary liability.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B, C
About me
Personal qualities: organizational skills, communication skills, commitment, responsibility, diligence, honest, loyal to their cause, know how to bring it started to end, stability in stressful situations. Do not smoke. A personal car.
Higher education (bachelor)
Faculty of law, Law
The Ministry of defense, The engineer on operation of men's of communication
Tests, examinations
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, lawyer, License № 19009805 от 29.04.2019
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter