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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 38 years, born on 24 June 1986
Considers offers
Almaty, willing to relocate (Aktau, Aktobe, Astana, Atyrau, Bautino, Beineu, Mangistau, Pavlodar), prepared for business trips
Supply chain, procurement, Logistic.
- Other
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 15 years 5 months
February 2020 — currently
5 years 2 months
Academy of Civil Aviation, Pilot Training Center.
CFI II Chief Flight Instructor DA-42-NG IFR
Single Engine VFR Flight instructor at Academy of Civil Aviation. Giving a flight, train to the students at the time build stage and initial course. Responsible for teaching students how to fly in a variety of settings using methods that include textbook education, simulators and live flight training. In some flights with students, providing an Instrument approaches and IFR navigation. Flights mostly conducted in UARR (Boraldai airport), UADD (Taraz International airport) and others.
November 2015 — May 2018
2 years 7 months
"Gaz Prom Neft Badra" B.V. & "Gaz prom Neft Middle East" B.V. via MOTT MACDONALD
UAE, www.gazpromneft-badra.com/
Oil and Gas... Show more
Lead Expeditor at EPC project
Work on two projects as Expeditor in PMT chain. 1. EPC Badra project (2 $ billion budget at Iraq, Wassit province, Badra Oil field) Gaz Prom Neft B.V. 2. Sarqala-1, Garmian Expansion project (800 $ mil budget at Kurdistan, Hasira province) Gaz Prom Neft Middle East B.V.
First two projects are Infrastructure and camp phase-2, sub budget is 56 $ mill, second project is Sarqala-1, sub budget is 36 $ mil .
Position as a lead expeditor on both projects, with full process support to GPNB PMT, engineering/procurement, contract and warehouse departments.
Key responsibilities:
Conducted and analyzed commercial offers/bidding documents of a Contractor/Supplier in the comparative table of the tender. Mostly the technical part (fabrication resource, required equipment, engineering and etc.), human resources and previous experience.
Attended pre-award and Kick-Off of Contractor/Supplier meetings when was required from PMT.
Actively expedited Contractor/Supplier via phone and/or email to ensure timely progress and completion of schedule-driven engineering, fabrication, testing and shipping milestones. Applied all new updates into PTR (Procurement Track Report) prepared weekly and monthly reports to the PMT members. Consulted with the package responsible engineer to confirm supplier data revisions and/or late submittals by the Contractor/Supplier are acceptable and expedited actions where was required. Expedited all fabrication processes (as well as photo reports, Contractor/Supplier official letter of confirmation etc.). Organized inspections of produced equipment/materials at Contractor/Supplier fabrication site. Officially send a NCR’s (Non-Conformance Reports Items) after QA/QC and engineering site inspection report was issued to contract Expeditor. Officially send an (ERN’s) Expediting Release Notice to physical shipment of materials/equipment.
Initiated and expedited PO Close-Out activities.
Minor responsibilities:
Administrated internal supply chain system “Roll Base”. Added and updated all required documents and information (PO, all engineering documents, all official letters to/from Contractor/Supplier, PTR and fabrication progress, all shipping documents as invoice, packing list, inspection documents, certificates/passports etc.) all final revisions approved drawings etc.) into the “Roll Base” supply chain system of GPNB. Brought in proper form the warehouse data for Camp phase-2 and Infrastructure projects, as initially it was lots of GAP between the real quantity/quality and what was on the paper. Prepared official letters to Contractor/Supplier, NCR’s, ERN’s, CRS’s and etc. All documents have been sent/received/uploaded/downloaded to internal document control system “Armado”. Closely worked with, DCC specialists, contract/procurement/engineering departments and Contractor/Supplier members.
Project accupation
May 2014 — November 2015
1 year 7 months
"Huawei Technologies"
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Chief executive supply chain PMT. ALTEL 4G-Roll Out.
Key responsibilities:
Coordinated all supply chain activities at the “Altel” 4G project. Closely worked with “Roll Out” team, “CEG”, RPM (regional project managers) and Contractor/Supplier of construction and integration.
Controlled MR team, CES operators and all “Huawei’’ warehouses. Created weekly outbound plan to all KZT regions, according to “Roll Out” team construction and integrated plan/progress.
Consolidated cargo for the cost reduction by creating suitable outbound way. Optimized procedure for MR and CES teams, to shortcut time for MR treatment (receiving MR, time frame for approval, preparation in the CES system, preparation “Delivery Note” to warehouse, transportation readiness at place and physical outbound). Optimized warehouse space of use, time frame for cargo preparation, human resource quantity/quality and method of packing, thereby happened: reducing time frame for cargo preparation, rental expenses has been reduced as space reduced and human recourses have been distributed according to their exact duties. At the end of main phase of “Altel” 4G project, prepared/closed regional company warehouse, with all necessary procedures. 1. Inventory stocktaking, 2. Transportation preparation/delivery notes, 3. Rental contract Close-Out activities.
Minor responsibilities:
Developed cargo acceptance process, between “Huawei”, internal departments, warehouses, transportation Contractor and Contractor/Supplier of construction and integration.
Improved “Return Procedure” of none used materials/equipment” at Contractor/Supplier of construction and integration warehouses back to “Huawei” warehouse. Participated in the transfer of warehouse from “Huawei” to “DHL”, as “DHL” was awarded by “Huawei” headquarter's as the main warehouse operator, both goods type are CW-civil work and TI-technical integration. Attended Pre-Award, Kick-Off Contractor/Supplier meetings. Conducted an inspection/inventory stocktaking at all Contractor/Supplier regional warehouses. Participated at “Huawei” quarterly inventory stocktaking. Reduced cost for transportation by optimal consolidation of good from regional warehouse to main, using another transportation for CW materials at the time of warehouse close.
Project accupancy.
January 2013 — May 2014
1 year 5 months
"OGCC KazStroyService" JSC.
Atyrau, www.kazstroyservice.com
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Senior coordinator at CPC expansion project PS-3А, PS-4. «Oil distillation Stations», «Kazakhstan Pipeline Consortium» the bandwidth increases from «Kashagan» and Tengiz field.
1. Procurement and supply chain coordinating on PS-Atyrau, PS-Tengiz, PS-3А and PS-4 (pump station) on CPC project. Lead buyers and supply chain stuff Doing a weekly report of the supplying progress of the Oil & Gas equipments and materials to a customer and to the department of planning at construction sites. Planning and concordance deliveries of large-dimensioned materials and their placing on storage. Timely grant information to the department of control deliveries at construction sites. Improving and adapting the system of supply planning line item progress.
2. Control procurement, site-procurement, logistic, quality, EPS (engineering procurement service) departments. Check monitoring of the new suppliers for Oil and Gas equipments in USA, Europe, UAE, Russia and Central Asia. Check bidding stage (price, delivery conditions and technical specifications, installation). Issue audit to vendors and subcontractors, check there plants, WH, markets, offices, ability work as vendor or subcontractor with general subcontractor. Making official notification to a customer for approval chosen vendor for Oil & Gas equipments. Check signed contract (PO), all conditions related to price, custom clearance conditions, logistics conditions, time of delivery (time, size, conditions for transportation, required place in storage, conditions to save in storage before installation). Proper update weekly procurement report for site construction stuff and planning departments (planers, PTD). Daily update OTD 1 (on time delivery). Control delivery from PLANT to CUSTOMS CLEARANCE to CENTRAL ATYRAU WAREHOUSE to SITE WAREHOUSE. Collect quality documentation for incoming control. (Incoming control of equipments produced by independent company BUREAU VERITAS customer KPV general subcontractor KAZSTROYSERVICE). Tracing and updating report of equipments with closed incoming control on site. Keep and update data of all required documents for incoming control. Identify supply shortages and detection of defects in supplied materials as the result of noncompliance the safety standards of the transported material, solve the discrepancy problems of supplied material.
3. Agreement prolongation after their expiration term, the change of volume and specification of the last revision. Maintain the base forms of notifications and requests for the concordance of contractors to the customer about intention of formation of the contract. Processing customer inquiry by the status of delivery. Promotion, improvement and increase of general progress by the PS CPC project. Initiative improves of the individual project zones. Negotiating with the customer at top level. Management risk. Document control. Solve claims from a customer. Following by internal procurement procedures, outbound and inbound procedures and WH inventory stocktaking procedures. Improving and getting more result in save coast strategy. Promotion of the company interests. Business trips at construction sites for eliminating and solving problem areas connected with general construction processes. Meetings at sites, planning, checking, controlling. Weekly meetings with vendors and subcontractors, solve problematic zones of supplying issues, documentation issues. Q3 warehouse inventory stocktaking at all warehouses. Project accupation.
Project accupancy.
July 2011 — December 2012
1 year 6 months
"Prestige & OC" LLP
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Specialist of supply chain department.
1. Accept requests from contracting organizations for purchasing and supplying materials Purchase planning of current construction objects. Complete management and co-ordination from the beginning of project to its completion. Documentary reporting costs to the financial department. Document achieving of every project. Risks analysis.
2. Maintaining the cost saving strategy of delivery material, price-cutting by their fixing for a year. Planning chart for supplying material to construction objects, according to a work plan. Searching for the organizations specializing on, over dimensional transportation, such as ferroconcrete items, large -size pipes, containers, construction equipment
3. Budgeting provisional expenses of construction material, according to a local estimate, observing all quality norms of State Standard, СТ KZ. Construction material Delivery , systems of conditioning, equipment for tennis courts construction, the sanitary equipment, the power-supply, compressor systems, providing Life support, fire safety systems delivery of over dimensional technique construction
4. Supply chain activities from start to end for child's rehabilitation center "Bal Bulak" in Almaty, "Gorkiy" tennis courts, "Sport Center CSK" tennis courts, entertaining complex "MEGA center", "Bank of China", "CNPC Oil & Gas company" JSC.
Left company, due to cessation of activities of the company
March 2006 — June 2009
3 years 4 months
"Евросеть" LLP
Kazakhstan, www.job.euroset.ru
Retail... Show more
Supply chain assistant. Logistic department.
Search and formation contracts with logistic companies for equipment. Transporting services. Planning amount of equipment for a dispatch on trade units of "Euro Line" LLP. Accept purchase orders for trade units of South Kazakhstan. Tracing supplied products by products co-operating with logistic companies, quality estimation of executable work. Control spoilage report. A timely supply of trade units. Database maintain, products inventory. Grant of invoices and shipping lists to the financial department.
Left company, due to disbandment of the company
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
1. Attentiveness and assiduity. 2. Purposeful in achievement of the purpose, distributing actions on stages, for achievement of positive result. 3. Punctual. Self-checking is steady against a stress. 4. Leadership, management, management of department. Coordinating, a result pulling from difficult impasses in the course of work. Motivated for result. Communication skills.
Piloting LA. Carp fishing. Off road trips.
Higher education (bachelor)
Kazakh-Russian Humanitarian University
Economics, Management and Marketing
Kazakh-Russian Humanitarian University
IT, Information and Technology
Professional development, courses
International Aero Academy, Pilot
USA, Los Angeles, LIS( Language International System).
USA, Los Angeles, LIS( Language International System)., English language
Tests, examinations
International Aero Academy
Language International System
LIS, English language
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan, UAE
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter